Gone are the days when the only option to deposit cash was through a teller at a bank. Now, there are multiple options for cash deposits that don’t even require you to leave your home. Here, we’ll go over a…
Read MoreWorried About a Family Emergency Back in The Philippines? Here’s What to Do
Being apart from your family is never easy, but sometimes moving to a new country as a migrant is one of the best things you…
5 Ways Rewire’s Family Card Can Help You Master Family Budgeting
Just because you’re living in a different country doesn’t mean you can’t still be a part of your family’s budget! In…
Send Money Home, Help Save a Life
One of the toughest things about being a migrant abroad is not being able to be near your family when they need you. Whether…
These 2 New Services Are Game-changers for Filipino Migrants
Moving to a new country to work is full of new challenges. You might need to learn a new language, find a whole new community…
The Importance of Financial Literacy As a Migrant
Learning how to manage your finances at home is tricky for most people, but when you have to manage your finances both at home…
Essential Resources to Financially Educate Yourself
Becoming more financially literate is important for anyone, but especially if you’re a migrant who needs to manage their…
Migrating as a Woman
Migrating to a new country is always a very difficult challenge – you need to find work and start a whole new life there….
A Guide for Indian Migrants Moving to Germany
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
8 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day This Year
International Women’s Day falls on March 8th every year, though in some places the entirety of March is considered a time to…
Past and Present: The History of International Women’s Day
Every year on March 8th, International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world. Despite the holiday’s increasing…
A Guide for Indian Migrants Moving to Italy
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Migrant from India Moving to The Netherlands
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Migrants from India Moving to France
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Indians Moving to Belgium
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Indian Migrants Moving to Spain
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Indian Migrants Relocating to the UK
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Filipino Migrants in France
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Filipino Migrants Moving to The Netherlands
The Netherlands: Quick Facts for Migrants from The Philippines Population: 59.5 million Capital: Amsterdam Main language: Dutch…
A Guide for Filipino Migrants Moving to Belgium
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Filipino Migrants Relocating to Spain
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Filipino Migrants in Italy
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Filipino Migrants in Germany
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
A Guide for Filipino Migrants Relocating to the UK
Moving to a new country in search of work and better opportunities? Relocating can be both exciting and scary, but being…
11 Different Types of Credit Cards to Consider
There are many different types of credit cards available to you, and it can be difficult to know which are the best credit…
Social Distancing? Avoid Banks by Using Rewire
With varying rates of Covid spreading in different countries in Europe, many people are still wary of visiting highly-traffic…
Managing Money in Italy as a Migrant
Many migrants and temporary foreign workers consider Italy as a country to relocate to. In fact, some of Italy’s key…
Managing Money As a Migrant in Belgium
It can be a challenge moving to a new country. You need to get used to a new culture, a new climate, and sometimes even a new…
Managing Money as a Migrant in The Netherlands
Do The Netherlands appeal to you as a foreign worker? There are a lot of migrants that choose to come to The Netherlands to…
Managing Money as a Migrant in France
Audrey Hepburn claimed that “Paris is always a good idea!” While images of the Eiffel Tower and delectable French pastries…
Managing Money in Spain as a Migrant
If you’ve decided to pick up and move to Spain in order to work as a migrant, there is probably a list of challenges you’re…
Budgeting for Migrants, Part 4: How to Create Good Budgeting Habits
Welcome to Rewire’s 4-part series about budgeting for migrants. Managing finances in two countries simultaneously is tough,…
Budgeting for Migrants, Part 3: A Step-by-step Guide to Creating Your Own Budget
Welcome to Rewire’s 4-part series about budgeting for migrants. Managing finances in two countries simultaneously is tough,…
Budgeting for Migrants, Part 2: Does the 50/30/20 Rule Work?
Welcome to Rewire’s 4-part series about budgeting for migrants. Managing finances in two countries simultaneously is tough,…
Budgeting for Migrants, Part 1: What Goes Into a Budget?
Welcome to Rewire’s 4-part series about budgeting for migrants. Managing finances in two countries simultaneously is tough,…
I’m a Migrant, How Can I Get a Breast Cancer Check Up in Europe?
Pink October marks an important month for women around the world, we mark breast cancer awareness. The most commonly diagnosed…
Ultimate Guide to Financial Terminology For Migrants
One of the challenges many migrants face when managing their finances in a new country is understanding all the different…
Managing Money in Germany as a Migrant
Managing Money in Germany as a Migrant Moving to a different country comes with a whole set of challenges, one of them is…
Managing Money in the UK as a Migrant
The UK is a popular country for migrants and foreign workers, but it can be challenging to learn how to manage money in a new…
Are You a Migrant Parent Like Me?
Do you feel your kid is more German than Indian, more French than Filipino, more Italian than Nigerian, more British than Thai,…
Why Is Assimilation Important in a New Culture?
Once you’ve landed in a new country, it seems like there are endless new things to learn: the language, customs, social…
6 Tips for Fitting Into a New Country
Moving to a new country can be exciting and frightening all at once. You might have hopes, dreams, and expectations you wish to…
We’ve got your back: paying your bills back home while living abroad
If you are a migrant worker in a foreign country, you probably need to send money home for various purposes: helping family…
Comparing International Money Transfer Websites
There are plenty of websites out there that allow you to transfer money online, but not all of them are cost-effective or can…
5 of the Best International Money Transfer Apps
Transferring money abroad isn’t always simple, but with new technology and emerging apps, it’s becoming a lot easier to…
Put the Fun in Funds: What Are Funds and Can You Transfer Funds Overseas?
The Beatles claimed that money can’t buy you, love. Pink Floyd advised to grab it with both hands and build a stash. But…
Can You Trust a Foreign Bank With Your Money Transfer?
When it comes to transferring money abroad, it can be nerve-wracking to send a large sum to or from a bank that you’re not…
Don’t Have a Bank Account? How to Deal With Your Cash and How to Send Cash Abroad
The idea of making international money transfers might sound a bit complex, especially for those who are not well-versed in…
How To Receive Money From a Foreign Country? A Guide for Beneficiaries
Whether it’s a gift or help with tuition or living expenses, an international money transfer is a fast, secure, and easy way…
What Does Wiring Mean? Everything You Need to Know About Wiring Money Overseas
People often find themselves in a situation where they have to transfer money to another country. These can be migrant workers,…
Home and Away: The Difference Between Sending Money Through the Bank and Online
The discussion about the best way to send money home is a long-standing one. There are various options for transferring money…
How to find authentic Chinese restaurants in Europe?
Finding Chinese food in Europe may seem like an easy task. All you really have to do is go to Chinatown or even a busy shopping…
This Is The Best Time to Send Money from Europe to the Philippines
Living in Europe and supporting your family in the Philippines can be challenging, especially during a global pandemic. On one…
Safe Money Travels: Everything You Need to Know About International Remittance Services
Each year, billions of dollars are sent by migrant workers to their home countries. As more people find themselves in a…
How To Find a Job in Europe as a Migrant?
With the influence of the pandemic, many European countries struggle to adapt to the “new normal” economically and…
The Unseen Triumphs of an Expat
Do you know what it feels like to receive sincere gratitude? It might come from your parents as the money you sent for their…
Keeping Yourself Safe from Online Loan Scams
It happens to everyone. You work, you take care of your family, you live your life. All of a sudden, an unexpected situation…
Emergency Cash: 4 Ways to Secure a Quick Loan
Sometimes things don’t go as planned. You know how it is – the roof starts to leak, a family member needs emergency…
The Most Important Questions You Should be Asking When Selecting an Online Banking Solution
Online banking can be scary for some people at the start. There are a lot of factors to consider, and you may have many…
What Can You Buy for €0.99?
If you live in Europe, regardless of whether you are a migrant or not, €0.99 will not get you very far. With less than €1,…
Are You Allowed to Open a Bank Account in Another Country?
Do you want to learn how to open a bank account in Germany, France, the UK, or any other European country? You’ve reached the…
Everything You Need to Know about Domiciliary Accounts in Nigeria
The new Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) regulations left most of us confused about money transfers to Nigeria. As sending Naira…
Are You A Migrant Living in The Netherlands? Travel Like A Local
Whether you moved to Europe recently or have been living here for quite some time, traveling around and soaking up the local…
Where To Find Food and Ingredients From India While in the Netherlands
Life completely changes once you move away from where you grew up or have lived for a long time. One has to rethink, learn, and…
Which Countries Allow Foreigners to Open Bank Accounts?
The most obvious countries that allow foreign citizens to open bank accounts also have strong economies and financial…
CBN Guidelines – the Good, the Bad, and the New
Many Nigerian expats living abroad send money home, to Nigeria, on a regular basis. We send money to help out relatives who…
Pay it Safe: Is Your Financial Service Provider the Safest Way to Send Money Overseas?
When we set out to find the best online banking solution, we come across ads that typically discuss rates and fees, special…
A Guide to Surviving 2021’s First Lockdown
Everyone was so excited to bid their farewell to 2020 and throw a huge welcome party for 2021. We guess that the party planning…
How to Save Money Working in a Foreign Country
Working abroad may seem like an attractive solution, especially in countries where salaries are high, allowing laborers decent…
4 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe from Online Fraud and Scams
If you choose the internet to conduct any type of activity that includes your credit card or bank account information such as…
Wiring money overseas? Get to know these global money-related superstitious beliefs
The idea of fortune connects the concept of money with luck. Even though finance is a very serious and logical topic, it has…
Social Security Payments: Why They’re Important and How They Work for Rewire Philippines Customers and Beyond
Who loves making social security payments? I’ll go ahead and guess that more eyebrows than hands were raised in response to…
Financial Support: The Best Overseas Money Transfer Solutions Also Offer the Best Support Services
We’re used to chasing the best option for everything. In the finance world, the definition of “best” comprises different…
How to Find the Best Exchange Rate
Making the most out of your hard-earned money includes paying attention to every step in the process. For migrant workers who…
Fierce Finance: How Mobile Money Transfer Solutions Can Help You Manage Your Finances
The irony of life is that sometimes, the issues that matter most are also the least organized. Research finds that more than…
This is the best time to send money from Europe to Nigeria
The most confusing questions we encounter when talking to Nigerians living in Europe have to do with money transfers. When is…
3 Ways to Celebrate Christmas in 2020
The holiday season is just around the corner and this year’s celebrations are going to be unlike anything we’ve ever…
How to Overcome the Language Barrier when Migrating to a New Country
When migrating to a new country, the first obstacle we encounter is the language barrier. The simplest form of communication…
Can you really trust your virtual banking service?
Trust is the foundation of any relationship, even with our bank. Feeling that we can trust the institute that takes care of our…
How Migrant Workers Can Become Better Employees With Overseas Online Banking
The main concern of migrant workers who make their first steps in a new country is to find a source of income and do it fast….
Virtual Virtues: Why Mobile Devices Are Perfect for Online Banking
Since the mobile revolution, whenever we discuss digital advancements, we actually refer to mobile ones. The same goes for…
How to Build a Better Life Back Home With Online Money Transfer Solutions
The irony of work immigration is that most of the people who decide to move for work do so to support their families, but at…
How to Juggle Homeschooling while Working from Home | EU Lockdown 2.0
I am sure a lot of parents can relate to this enormous challenge, regardless of whether they are migrants or not. Homeschooling…
Everything Foreign Students Need to Know Before Migrating to Europe for School
Studying abroad is super exciting. Not only can this be a once in a lifetime adventure, but also, you’ll probably broaden…
6 Tips for Nigerian Students in Europe
A new language, a new country, and a whole new life await international students in Europe. While some basic tips such as how…
Fearful finances: How to beat your online banking fears
When it comes to handling our most important assets, being afraid is perfectly natural. We want to make the right decision and…
Winter Is Coming: Hot Money Transfer Solutions for the Cold Season
The beginning of a new season is such a magical time. The view changes, flowers we almost forgot about start to bloom, and new…
Looking for a PayPal Alternative? Consider These 5 Tips
When it was founded in 1998, PayPal was a pioneer in the online financial services field. The company offered new solutions…
Move money: How to send money to someone without a bank account
They say that money makes the world go ‘round, but not every person in the world has a bank account. In fact, according to…
EuroTrip: How to Transfer Money Locally in Europe for Free
When we think of money wiring solutions, the first notion that comes to mind is that of people sending money overseas, from one…
Warm Welcome + Rewire Coupon = Help Newly Immigrated Friends
When a friend or family member takes their first steps immigrating to a new country, we immediately remember our own experience…
Far But Close: How to Transfer Money Overseas and Stay Connected
The life-changing move of relocating to another country is never easy. For work immigrants, the most challenging part has to be…
Back to School: How to Send Money Abroad and Welcome the School Year
September marks the beginning of a new season and also the first day of school in many countries around the world. The…
How Can I Open a Bank Account Online? And What’s the Alternative?
Online banking is here to stay. This bold statement comes after a successful first stage of digital transformation in various…
3 Financial Solutions That Are Fit for These Turbulent Times
During the COVID-19 outbreak, the topic of finance makes plenty of headlines, but most focus on people’s monetary status and…
Useful Life Hacks for Indian Expats in the EU | Part 2
It is amazing how little we Indians know about the Netherlands even though products of Dutch companies have been an integral…
Useful Life Hacks for Indian Expats in the EU | Part 1
What’s the weather like? Will I like the local cuisine? How do I register at the local municipality? And so many more…
Online vs. Offline: How Does Online Banking Work?
Forget everything you know about banking systems, it’s time to start fresh. We know the banking system is as old as time and…
More Than Ever Before, We Want to Talk about Equality
June is finally here. The sun is out, love is in the air, and streets in the world’s most vibrant cities are filled with…
How to Send Money Overseas: 4 Popular Options
Sending money worldwide is now easier than ever before. With the digital revolution taking over the banking and finance arena,…
Pay SSS Online – You’re Already a Member for Life
We do our best to have a plan for a rainy day. When you need to pay for your child’s dental care, fix your car, or take an…